our tenets

appreciative enquiry

  • Asking the question:  What is possible for the future with the present resources and in the present situation?
  • No mention of past glory, failure, hubris or pathos
  • Remembering only lessons from the past with a high present-moment-awareness

human experience

  • Asking the question: Is the data more important than the experience of people in evaluating or choosing anything?
  • Confirming if the message is correct, complete, credible and consistent
  • Assuring ourselves that the communication is understood fully by our customers and clients as it was meant to be; and later by their audience

ideology and medium neutrality

  • Asking the question: Is your ideology or choice of medium more important than the people they should benefit?
  • Getting our customers’ and clients’ firm understanding that our ideology and medium neutrality enables us to give them the most unalloyed solutions

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